ClimateMOBIL – Mobility management and climate protection in regions

Though mobility is one of the key issues to achieve national and international climate protection targets, it has been disregarded in a regional context up to now. The project ClimateMOBIL therefore analyses the effectiveness of regional mobility managements in rural areas concerning climate protection and energy efficiency. Action research is a main part of the project, meaning cooperation with existing structures and models in order to develop strategies for sustainable mobility managements. These strategies contribute to climate protection and energy efficiency. Experienced partners managing mobility in regions are the energy park Bruck/Leitha, the Mobilitätszentrale Burgenland and the OÖ Verkehrsverbund-Organisations GmbH& CoKG)

Project coordinator
DI Dr. Hannes Schaffer
Company: mecca consulting

Contact data:

Project partners

Experienced partners managing mobility in regions

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